You can't always get what you want

I used to be a pretty prolific poet back in the day. I seem to have let the poetic muse slip away a bit in favour of prose, It's just how the cards have fallen.

What I would like to be able to do is update my myriad of blog pages that a few years ago I had intended to update far more regularly than i currently do. A lot of my projects are big novels though that i'm not ready to share, as far as that goes, and I have been slack with writing other things.

Recently though I have decided once again that i want to try and figure out how to make my sidelines become more robust and maybe even be able to pay the odd bill with them.

This year I have made almost 200 dollars from my paintings and photographs. Not very much right? but I never painted before this year, or tried to sell a photo. But it is encouragement. I was a bit down putting out my last poetry book - "The Wickedness of Flowers" , but first as Josie, and not old sad Joe. And for a myriad of reasons my chutzpah was non existent. I didn't have half the hustle I put into my first two books, "Like Bukowski In Drag," and "A Cure For Mirrors". both of which 'made money' as in, I got back in sales just slightly more than it cost me to print and ship the books. "Like Buk..." in fact had three printings and was a best seller at one bookstore in Kits in 2001.

I have always let myself down doing these projects by letting whatever job I was in, or personal stress I was dealing with, get in the way of selling my books. But to be fair, it's not like very many poets make a living from poetry, unless they are putting it to music, and even then.

Okay not to turn this into a therapy session, I recently also realized that I have tons of content, in these poems (that coincidentally are in the books I have for sale. The first two books i have only a couple of personal copies, but i can order more, or you could, at the links, I pay shipping, you pay shipping, we all pay shipping. Anyhoo, here are a couple of short poems from my first book, "Like Bukowski In Drag"

So what I am doing here is not necessarily asking anyone to buy my books, but just trying to get my blogs (though of course that is awesome if people do)  more hits by putting out more content as often as possible, in order to get those elusive sales to total strangers. feel free to share any of my blogs you want to, or my bookstore links. this particular blog only has 9 posts, I won't get noticed until I buff that up pretty heavy. so expect lots of old poems, with some new stuff here and there. Look out for my Transition Blog, my media review blog, and my gaming blog, all of which are hopefully going to get busier. I gotta muster the effort now.

More from my other books, soon, and other kinds of writing too for all you poemphobes. :P

On Christina's Birthday

I sit  in  joe's        lost      in
the rainheaded voices that 
through  dripping sunlight
i drink half 
                  smiling a taste          
of coffee breath  
                        and  i sense
another black hair      being
shaved from my yellow 


© 2014 Josie Boyce (published under the name Joe Boyce Burgess) in Like Bukowski in Drag (2000, 2008)

she  - part 1

well .
she has a small back   this   willing shadow
      clings to me in  dressesthatflower
as smoke blown across a mirror .

she’s this gingerbread discrepancy
i call upon my flesh
                                as if
i  am   forever   being etched .   

she’s this
burning   wiresspun crutch   these   these
neurons these  these   
                                these frenchkissing hormones
these blue truthes that hide my hairy body
from my  frilly mind .   

she’s tightly   threading her   steps
around   my pale eunuch mechanisms
                                                             as her
pink dreams clothe
my bronze aged soul
                                  in cottony cloudbursts of
candysex .

she has me tasting    
                              a mess of bloodfilled
ribbons -  false gods of a dangling
coppergreen   intangibility .

she has me cut from my mother tongue
                                                               and made me
a willing orphan from my sex.
she  is  the most precious blindness i have known .

© 2014 Josie Boyce (published under the name Joe Boyce Burgess) in Like Bukowski in Drag (2000, 2008)

as i walk in the begin to snow

I sing 
accidents of harmony 
walk across glass cut 
from dreams

     i tremble 
through water drops 
upon my ruby lips
I kiss myself think 
       i am unique
in razor thin flakes
the snow begins 
         hurtles itself

into my awkwardly painted 
face i
walk backward into 
        explosions of

white blanket
suddenly drifting 
she is me
       cracked windows 
of light 
illuminate our
snugly cut 
       skirt tightened

my hips into how she 
had imagined 
my body's choreography 
          becoming hers
          entrances us cleverly 
dashes over ice in spike heels
and frozen toes

me outside to wait cold
                   as she scampers
up creaky stairs 
hopeful of being
able to walk 
amidst the waltz of dangerous men 
a blush of clay ready
                to be

sculpted into
         a dream
as i walk in the begin to snow

© 2014 Josie Boyce (published under the name Joe Boyce Burgess) in Like Bukowski in Drag (2000, 2008)


  1. tear well to think of those carefree smoke filled days....tears well


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