Excerpts from my poetry book: "The Wickedness Of Flowers"
Here are a few poems from my third book of poetry, (" The Wickedness Of Flowers " follow the link to purchase) and the first one that I self published (all self pub'd) as Josie Boyce rather than under my old name. The first one is a poem that took me many years to get to 'finished', though like Walt Whitman, one of the very few 'heroes' I have, I consider all my work to be mutable, and open to later revision. It's a dreamy worded piece that speaks in those dreamy tones about my youth growing up in rural New Brunswick, specifically, Sunbury County. Here is a video, followed by the text for those who don't like videopoems (pretty much everyone based on my hits.) In The Blue South Of Sunbury County In the blue south of Sunbury County a child with cherries smiles spinning knives teeth paint screams ghosted trains within pi...