early scene in my unfinished superhero project
a small fragment, a scene from my superhero novel, that might be a web series or a graphic novel, maybe all three.... anyway, i have bits and pieces here and there. i forgot about this scene, which i wrote a couple of years ago. the main POV character is a retired Super powered (depowered) vigilante named Leonard Singapore, aka The Blinking Fist. People in Leonard's life are being killed by someone who seems to be Leonard, but it wasn't him. In the whacky world of super people, this may not be a paradox. The Android Cops who are investigating have maybe irresponsibly, brought The former blinking Fist to a crime scene, a dead old friend awaits. Return Of the Blinking Fist: Ride Along... It’s been ages since I was at a crime scene, like riding a bike, dammit. I almost reached into my utility belt for rubber gloves, when Android Cop #1 handed me a pair from some magic pocket in those crazy overcoats the Android Cops all wear. I have to ask him to snag me one. I glo...